Mal Winter and the Cloud RunnersThe night after his father’s death, Mal meets a mysterious man who introduces himself as Mr Blue. He is kind, and tells Mal about the Dreamscape that houses all the souls of the sleeping world. Each soul creates a dream to surround it like a large suit-of-armour to protect itself from Nightmares: the predators of the Dreamscape.
Nightmare aren’t bad dreams, they’re demons who prey on the souls of the sleeping, hunting through dreams to devour the sleeping. That’s when Mal learns about the Cloud Runners, an ancient group that protects the sleeping world and serve as the guardians of the Dreamscape. Mal’s father was one of the greatest Cloud Runners to ever live, and perhaps his death wasn’t an accident... What kind of legacy did his father left for him? Mal’s story takes him through dozens of magical dreams set atop mountains, foreign lands, impossible caves, tropical islands and endless skies. Danger however isn’t contained to when he is asleep, Mal and his best friends Vic and James, are chased and tricked and the greatest adventure they’ll experience unfolds before them. |
Mal Winter and the Last TitanWARNING: Although I've tried to avoid spoilers here, if you haven't finished Mal Winter and the Cloud Runners, I would advise skipping this synopsis for now.
Mal is training to protect mankind from Nightmares, the demons which stalk the Dreamscape in search of souls.
After a dangerous introduction to the Dreamscape last year, Mal thought the hardest thing in his life would be juggling his training and high school - he was wrong. The very Dreamscape itself is thrown into turmoil by the appearance of a mysterious new threat, with powers not seen in generations. Desperate, Mal turns to an unexpected ally to help him face this new foe. But, even if Mal and his friends can save the day, one thing is for certain: his world will never be the same again. |
"I really love the book and as serious as it is, I like how you have funny things in it.”
- Josephine, 12
Mal Winter
DanteDante is a stranger stalking Mal, a man with mysterious intent and unsure alliance. He's got a rough edge, hardened by a tough life.
Mr Blue
Vic & JamesVic is the smartest person that Mal has ever met, and he knows it. Vic doesn't waste words, he likes fast cars, and figures everything out quicker than anyone else.
James is an athlete and a self proclaimed 'lady's man'. He has a charming personality, a winning smile, and loves sport. |
Dr Winter
"There are great visuals. It's really easy to imagine all these beautiful dreams, but then all the dark side, too, because it's all so descriptive and on point when you read about Nightmares and pretty dreams.”