Meet the Storyteller.
I’m Danny, and I’m a writer, illustrator, graphic designer, and lover of art. Yes, that is too encompassing and wide a description. I’m sure everyone now imagines me in their own way; perhaps in a beret, with crazy hair or covered head to toe in paint. So let’s delve deeper, I like stories, and more than anything else; I’m a storyteller, and story consumer.
Yes, storyteller works better; I write long-form fiction, and even my illustrations are mostly of characters from my own stories or those that I appreciate. My graphic design, too, is mainly centred around stories, trying to sell them or celebrate them. Let’s start again, I’m Danny, and I’m a storyteller. I’ve been exploring art as a way to tell stories since I could hold a crayon. Such hits of mine lost to the wilderness of time include a picture book retelling of Robin Hood, a shot-for-shot comic of Star Wars, and a Final Fantasy VIII fan fiction. Sure, maybe not the most original start, but now I’m building grand stories and adventures. If drawing was my first love, writing is my true love, I’ll always shave a soft spot for a sketch, but the architecture of books is where I belong. Author pages: